Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I am still here!!

The above title has dual meaning. First, as readers from twitter and my other blogs know, I was given a diagnosis of maybe 30 days on December 2, 2006. Reason: I have several complex tumors eating through my spine from the inside out... put simply, causing serious health issues and 24/7 pain... along with other health issues. There is no physiological reason I am still here, so I totally give my thanks to God and try to live each day to its fullest...( using mostly alternative and natural therapies.) So ,  here I am again, almost 2 years since last post... yelling to the rooftops... I am still here!

Secondly, the ideas and reviews I started this blog with, still reign within me.  I have photos and notes, and even some empty beverage bottles still stuffed in nooks and crannies awaiting their review write-ups! I started reviewing beverages and wines a few years ago again, and am excited about sharing my findings with you. I look forward to your encouraging comments and positive suggestions!

It would be great to have you follow me on twitter, where I update daily, and do creative product branding. You can find me on twitter at http://twitter.com/projecthope7

This blog is dedicated to everything BEVERAGE and beverage accessories...from WINE to COFFEE to TEA to MINERAL WATERS to SPORTS DRINKS & POWER JUICES, please follow us for the latest news on these products.  Looking forward to reviewing WINE COOLERS, WINE TOTES, AERATORS, BEVERAGE TOTE BAGS,  and so much more!~

Have a wonderful day and please come back regularly! Live life to its fullest... LOVE deeply... LAUGH freely... GIVE graciously, expecting nothing in return... Now grab your favorite BEVERAGE and ENJOY!

Cathy B

Friday, March 27, 2009

Searching for The Best in Beverages....

This morning when I awoke, I was thinking of how many things I have to review in the area of Beverages, and that I really needed to continue my search for a good template. I have been looking through 100's of templates at different sites and actually found a couple through Wordpress, and another template site. When I opened up my blogger account, to my surprise, I saw a new template had been started for my Beverage blog! My precious and beloved 12 year old granddaughter must have been hard at work last night on my behalf! God bless her heart! So, I will start here at blogger... I was so blessed... she knows my love for the ocean and for the balmy tropic breezes and incorporated that into this blog! She also has started her own little blog, as a nonprofit to benefit other young ladies and women with gently used clothing, if they are in need!( if you know anyone that has gently used nice clothing for girls and women that they would like to donate, please comment or contact me.thank you)

My desire for this blog on BEVERAGES, is to share with you my findings and fun in the Search for the Best in the area of Beverages. I am looking for sponsors who would love some great Beverage Buzz amongst the BEST in WOM advertising, product reviews and giveaways. I have a team of reviewers started, as we all know that the BEST is a matter of opinion and taste. if you would like to be considered to be part of a team of reviewers for Beverages, please contact me to be put on the waiting list, with a little about yourself and your blog or website.
AS some of you know from my other blog, I am battling some pretty serious health issues right now, so for the next couple weeks I may not be blogging as much as I would like. So, thank you for your patience, and keep checking back. The best way to do that is to follow me from the beginning on both blogger and twitter. I am already following over 1000 of you myself, so please feel free to follow back! I love comments and link sharing! So, without further adieu, LET THE SIPPING BEGIN!
( Coffee, tea, power drinks, health drinks, superfood drinks, juices, water,..now I am thirsty!)