Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I am still here!!

The above title has dual meaning. First, as readers from twitter and my other blogs know, I was given a diagnosis of maybe 30 days on December 2, 2006. Reason: I have several complex tumors eating through my spine from the inside out... put simply, causing serious health issues and 24/7 pain... along with other health issues. There is no physiological reason I am still here, so I totally give my thanks to God and try to live each day to its fullest...( using mostly alternative and natural therapies.) So ,  here I am again, almost 2 years since last post... yelling to the rooftops... I am still here!

Secondly, the ideas and reviews I started this blog with, still reign within me.  I have photos and notes, and even some empty beverage bottles still stuffed in nooks and crannies awaiting their review write-ups! I started reviewing beverages and wines a few years ago again, and am excited about sharing my findings with you. I look forward to your encouraging comments and positive suggestions!

It would be great to have you follow me on twitter, where I update daily, and do creative product branding. You can find me on twitter at http://twitter.com/projecthope7

This blog is dedicated to everything BEVERAGE and beverage accessories...from WINE to COFFEE to TEA to MINERAL WATERS to SPORTS DRINKS & POWER JUICES, please follow us for the latest news on these products.  Looking forward to reviewing WINE COOLERS, WINE TOTES, AERATORS, BEVERAGE TOTE BAGS,  and so much more!~

Have a wonderful day and please come back regularly! Live life to its fullest... LOVE deeply... LAUGH freely... GIVE graciously, expecting nothing in return... Now grab your favorite BEVERAGE and ENJOY!

Cathy B

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